
React Tweet Card is a React component that lets developers display tweet cards on their websites.

The cards are simpler and more aesthetic than embed cards provided by Twitter and allow for much more developer freedom.

This component provides a light, dark and dim theme out of the box, and can be used to further style with all tools that are commonly used for styling purposes by React developers. It can even detect the color scheme preference of the user's device and set the theme accordingly. It's also more responsive than the official Twitter embed.

It can display everything that Twitter can: images, replies, likes, retweets, links, hastags, mentions, protected, “verified”, business and government accounts.

Developers using the component also get full freedom over the text displayed in the component (instead of relying on the Twitter API).

While this means that you have to manually (or programatically) provide the content of tweets, it also means that you can use it to display tweets that don't exist anymore, never existed, or are not public anymore.

Elephant in the room: Twitter is not as fun anymore. I only make updates to this package now when issues are reported by its users. Maybe I'll make a Mastodon or Threads card component down the line, who knows, only time will tell.

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